Everyone Hates Spiders!
Prototype of a top-down shooter game
- The game now has a name!
- The game also now has a theme!
- The game is no longer a platformer, it is now a top-down shooter!
- The enemies now move towards the player
- Changed map to one big room
- You can now shoot by holding down Left-click instead of clicking every shot
- Added spawners
- Added a player model
- Added first few environment objects
- Added blood particles on spiders getting hit
- Added crude walking animation to spiders
- Added a new gun!
- Added HUD
- Health bar
- Progress bar
- Added minigun shells
- Added a ground texture (placeholder)
Added boss!
Added several screens
- Round complete
- Victory
- Death
- Game end
Remade start screen
- Added music
- Added gun sounds
- Added spider death animation
- Updated boss projectiles to spawn bloods
This game is currently unavailable
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